
business as usual :)

oh wow have things been crazy busy around here!!  but other than a few minor glitches things have been awesome!

last friday, i had a chiropractors appointment ( <3 )  then i took dude to get his hair cut by the girl who cuts my hair...now, she was the one that cut dudes hair the first time, and he didnt handle it that great....he had to sit in my lap, wouldnt have anything to do with the cape, and it was a pretty fast process.  but this time, he couldnt get enough of her!!  i think there may be a crush involved LOL!  he sat all by himself, and wore the cape on his lap, and stared at himself in the mirror, and smiled at the hairdresser the whole time..... *sigh*     then after S. got home, we had some lunch, then we all went to the blueberry farm!!  (yeah, i was supposed to go on thursday with a friend, but it started raining as we got there)  S. actually really wanted to go, it was so cute :)  the weather was perfect, dude watched the tractors wrap bales of hay, and put SOME blueberries in the bowl, but ate most he picked :)  and S. helped pick :)  we had a really good time and got over 7 pounds of blueberries :)  i made fresh blueberry pancakes staurday morning they were awesome!!

then saturday my parents took dude for the day!!  sooooo....we dropped him off around....? 10?  then helped my nana do a few things to get ready for the hurricane, then we came home and brought all of our stuff inside because of the hurricane...then thank god we went to lunch!!  i was so hungry LOL i had already had breakfast and a snack at that point!! LOL  so we went to a local bar and had some wicked good food (buffalo chicken salad!!!), watched a little of the baseball game, and played some pool ( i won all THREE times!! LOL )  then we relaxed for a while, and went back to mom and dads around...5, to have supper with everyone and to get ignored by our son because he just wanted to spend more time with grams and grampa LOL  needless to say, he fell asleep on the way home....

thennnnnnn....it was sunday....ahhhh sunday, a nice day for relaxing....if you dont lose power because a tree falls in your driveway that is...thank goodness we have two entrances to our house, so we dont have to walk around this tree, that up until yesterday afternoon, had live wires all around it!!  we thought sunday morning that we might be ok...it was raining like crazy, and we were all just hanging out, then at 11....CRASH!!!  were friggen lucky that the tree didnt come down on the house! seriously!  i now officially hate our landlord...a tree fell down last year...in may, and we lost power for a few days, and our building manager has been telling our landlord that the other trees need to come down...theyre all huge old oak trees...but no, she dosnt want to pay for that to happen...stupid.  so we called the electric company, we called our building manager, and at least he was cool enough to let us borrow a generator, so by 1 pm we had our fridge, pellet stove, and tv hooked back up....and actually we can plug other things in too, lamps, phone chargers, laptop charger, coffee pot....and we have running water because its town water which is awesome!  but........its getting pretty old listening to the generator. 

i mean dont get me wrong, i grew up spending a lot of time into camp with my grammie and grampa, so of course i can get dressed and ready for the day by flashlight, and i can get meals ready without a stove (last night S. cooked pasta on the grill, it was pretty funny :)  but i would LOVE to actually bake something...and having a night off from cooking is awesome, but not being ABLE to cook gets pretty old.....
sooo weve been going back and forth with the electric company, and our builing manager is coming by with his electrician in a little bit to fix the wire mast and hood (the wires got ripped right out of our roof!) then the electric company will be by (they actually just came by!!  its 630 am and i got really excited, but they need to wait for stuff to be cleaned up first..) and i think were going to get our power back today!!!

lets seeeee.....what else is going on....today i have another chiropractors appointment...this baby girl is kickin my butt!!  im sure its because im carrying all of the weight in front like i did with dude,  but still baby girl, even your brother didnt give me such a hard time!!  cut me some slack!! LOL  :D

S. has a loooonnngggg weekend this weekend!!!!   off thursday afternoon, and he dosnt have to go back until tuesday!!  what will we do?  what will we do? hmmmm.

next weekend my nephew is having his 1 yr birthday party!!  so were headed down to mass for that....

this friday ill be 26 weeks, so i have to take my glucose test, ugh....i didnt have any problems with it when i was pregnant with dude...so im hoping its the same with baby girl :)  so that is one thing were doing this long weekend LOL S. has made sure to be at ALL of my doctors appointments, and well actually, dudes too whenever he has them, because he insists on being there :)

dude is doing awesome!!!  he now repeats everything that you say to him (sometimes, sometimes, this is a BAD thing LOL)  and says words like, umbrella, elephant, zebra, turtle, sissy, blueberry, blackberry, t rex, and says phrases like "i fall down"  "daddys stuff"  "it happens"  "sweet dreams"  god hes funny, i mean holy crap, hes not even 22 months yet!!  :)  he knows lots of colors, and counts to at least 4,  runs everywhere, and knows how to start a 4 wheeler (and when hes playing with his toy 4 wheeler, he pretends to turn the "key" to start it :) and S. is teaching him how to "sneak" up on things LOL  and he absolutely loves rubbing and kissing my belly and talking about his new baby sister :)  and he loves to sit and read his books and be read to :)  S. and i are so blessed to have such an amazing kid :D  S. talks all the time about how much he loves dude and how cool he is, and how excited he is to show him everything he can :)  and he says the same things about baby girl too :)  S. loves keeping his hands on my belly for long periods of time to feel her move (because BELIEVE me, shes a mover!) and hes constantly telling me how great i look with my baby belly :)  according to him, i look like a shoe string with a knot tied in it LOL  hes so excited its so cute!! :D

sooo...lots of stuff going on, S., dude, baby girl, and i are all doing awesome!!  and we couldnt be happier! 

<3 <3 <3

time to get going for the day..... :)



boo hoo.

i do not think that people should be recognized for mediocrity.  or because they THINK theyre so awesome...when theyre really NOT.  or because they are doing what they have to do because of the choices they made. 

now, on to other things.... :D

house hunting is very very VERY fun!!!

i put up 8 jars of pickles on sunday while S. and dude went for a walk in the woods :)

i think im going to go pick blueberries on thursday....

fall is DEFinately in the air :)

which means the fair will be coming soon :D

i dont care for repetitive statements...
i.e. "please prepay in advance" 
i saw that one the other day at the gas station LOL

which by the way, gas was $3.58 this morning!!
is it bad that im excited about that??

imagine that, S.s bitch of an ex wife wouldnt even let S. talk to k. on sunday night even though he just wanted to tell her that he hopes she has a wonderful first day of kindergarten. 
surprise surprise.

how many days until december??
believe me, im counting
:D :D :D
<3 <3 <3


hazy and foggy

as always, lots of stuff going on :D

i have a chiropractors appointment today (WAHOOOOO!!), then off to walmart to pick up a bunch of things i need.  S. has a doctors appointment, then he has to make a few phone calls ;) 

i picked A LOT of blackberries last night after S. got home....i cant watch dude while i pick berries since the bushes are near the main road.....so S. and dude rode bikes, and 4 wheelers, and trikes, it was craziness :)  im excited to make some blackberry jam with the berries im picking (and i know my nana is laughing right now, but thats ok, because this time ill make sure to get some Certo LOL)  then during supper S. was ACTUALLY ABLE to talk to k!!!!  (yeah he couldnt wednesday night, even though thats the only day the EW will let him call anymore, because the EW conveniently "forgot" AGAIN "what day it was" and they were already busy. complete bullshit)  k. and S. talked for a really long time, and she even talked to ME AND DUDE!!!!  its amazing what happens when her mother isnt there controlling the conversation. 

HAHAHA i can hear dude sleepily talking to himself in his crib...god i love him :)

the sun has just come up, and its hazy and foggy and bright....i love this time of day :)  i need to take a few pictures so i can post them....so ive got to go :) 


rain rain go away..

i found some old pictures on our camera so im in the process of downloading them to my facebook :)  some really good ones too!!  apparently i just didnt have the time to do this when the pictures were first taken, but now that dude sleeps in every morning, i guess ive got the time :)

soooo my brother and his family were supposed to come up this weekend, but they couldnt....but after S. mowed nanas lawn on saturday, we ended up visiting with my parents anyway :)  actually, i hung out there the whole time he was mowing the lawn :)  dude and i helped mom pick string beans in the garden, dude pushed his trucks all over the lawn, and S. and i took a walk down the road to check out a property for sale :)  it did start to rain, Hard, but we kept walking, and nana came and picked us up, man were we soaked!!  mom cooked a turkey and we had a little thanksgiving dinner :)  hey. why not? turkey is good all the time!! :D 

then sunday, S. took dude fishing for quite a long time :)  but they had a little trouble leaving the house because dude took the cover off the grasshopper bucket, and then dumped them all out so that S. had to catch them all over again LOL :) 

busy day yesterday...playgroup, bank, groceries, home.... :)  huge huge HUGE to-do list :)  when S. got home from work he went outside with dude for a little while, yes in the rain, its not like its cold or anything, and he ended up pushing dude around on a bike for the longest time!  dude loved it LOL and then i made sure to have warm dry clothes for them when they came in, and made an awesome steak stir fry for supper yum :)

sometimes counting down the days can be tedious!  but its oh so fun :D

S.s ex wife sent the funniest text to me the other day... LOL  she said "people talk, and theyve told me that you love writing about me and about how much you hate me and the child support system"  LOL no honey, have your "friends" go back and reread my blogs CAREfully, because what ive actually written about is how stupid and worthless you are and what a horrible mother you are.  the word "hate" is never involved, because i dont care enough about you to have any sort of feelings about you.  i just think youre an idiot LOL  and what i wrote about the child support agency is that i agree with what they stand for (making sure a child is taken care of) i just wish they would take S.s situation more into account when figuring out the amount.  maybe your "friends"" should wear their glasses more often! :D

the EW also admitted the other night that she has been telling k. when its "not a talking day" when S. calls on random days.  wow is that awesome.  not like we didnt already know that she did that... all shes doing is screwing herself in the long run. 

and a few days ago, on one of the few days that k. has talked to S., she blurted out that mommy got a new job at her school....hmmmm WHOOps, bet the EW didnt want k. saying THAT lol  but that IS interesting information k. thank you :) 

and on sunday, S. called to talk to k., and imagine that, the EW answered the phone just to tell him to call on another day....then S. kept calling back, and the EW KEPT answering instead of letting it go to the answering machine like she usually does, and talking to S. about how he needs to call on other days...she never even asked k. if she wanted to talk, never gave S. a chance to say hi to k..... i guess she just wanted to hear S.s voice LOL  maybe she was trying to get up the nerve to talk to him about the papers we received from the court the other day.

its weird that the family has already started to make plans for thanksgiving.....christmas isnt toooo far awayyy!!!!

alright, gotta goooo......i think the rain has actually stopped :)  that will make it easier to get into my grammies garden to get the dill i need to make pickles this week LOL :D


melt my heart

oh my god....dude has started saying "i love you" 
<3 <3 <3

how is it that dude can do something new every single day that seriously melts my heart??  i dont know how i can love him any more than i do now.....

other things that melt my heart?

making the plans with S. that were making, thinking of the possibilites, and making jokes and predictions  

thinking of the future

dude coming up to me and hugging my legs while im washing dishes, or doing laundry, or just standing in the living room

cuddling on cold nights

dudes face covered with blackberry juice

S.s  face covered with blackberry juice lol

hugging my mom
or my nana
or my dad
 or anyone else in my family actually

dudes laugh/giggle while hes saying "tickle tickle"

hearing dude say "papa" 

talking to my brother

lets be honest, there are so many more things that melt my heart, but if i dont stop the list now, i might tear up a little bit...


lovin it :D

ive been seriously eyeballing at the kids clothes theyve started putting out for fall <3

S. and i have been working on a lot of projects together, and its fun :) 
and its working out really good :)

im sure that so many of you are wondering what im writing about, but like ive said before, it will all be revealed soon :)

side note:  why are there so many car crashes on general hospital??

S. called to talk to k. last night, and god is his ex wife completely friggen worthless!!!  she cant even get her daughter to say "hi"  to S.....youve got GReat control over your kid sweetie.  way to go being a parent.  like i said, friggen worthless LOL  oh but thats right, she dosnt really CARE what kind of relationship S. and k. have, so of course she isnt going to "make" k. do anything.  worthless. 
 like i said before, i cant wait for k. to realize what a piece of crap her mother is and how much shes ruined her life. 

we had a pretty good time at the blueberry festival this past weekend :)  we went in the afternoon, so the heat pretty much kicked my butt while we were walking around, but it was alright.  we checked out the booths they had set up at the school, and dude got a spider "tattoo" painted on his arm :D  the funny thing was that it was completely natural paint, so it would wash off easy...later that night at supper, he kept kissing his spider, and he ended up with black paint all over his mouth!  

time to get going, i have to get a few things done before i drop dude off at nanas :)


feelin so goooood :D

ahhh a nice rainy wednesday morning!  but its not that bad because the rain isnt interfering with my internet connection LOL 
hangin out, waitin for dude to wake up :)

i went to work yesterday! yes i made it without my radiator causing problems again!!   this job is in no way stressful, and i like the people i work with, but ive got to tell you, i cant wait until i dont have to go anymore   im glad that S. is supportive of me staying home to spend time with dude :D

i thiiiiiink....were going to go to storytime today....then do some shopping....and maybe i can convince dude to wear his rain slicker to go outside....he loves his boots...hates the slicker...i dont understand why. 

dude has started doing something really funny, its honestly probably one of the most hilarious things S. and i have seen him do.  now at bedtime, after we put him in his crib, he stands in the corner with his arms up on the edge, lays his head down on his arms, and falls asleep.  yes.  standing up.  i swear to GOD!!!  why??  i have NO IDEA but i cant get over the fact that hes putting himself to sleep while hes standing up LMAO!!!  i know S. has fallen asleep standing up, but i dont know of any other person who has LOL :D

i am anxiously awaiting our cucumbers to start coming up in our garden, because i cant wait to make some dill pickles :)

im very excited to see my brother and his wife, and and the kids this weekend :)

i cant wait until S.' daughter gets old enough to realize on her own how much her mother has screwed up her life 
S. and i are looking forward to the day when k. decides to come and live with us

S. and i got our paperwork filled out last week,
now we sit back and wait

weve been talking about our wedding a lot...well, that IS what engaged people do LOL  and its going to be so good :D 
theres also 2 houses that were really interested in!! 
i need to call the realtor to get some information!!

the blackberries have been coming out like crazy along our driveway, so ive been picking like crazy!!  not like they make it much further than the front door with dude the blackberry eating machine around LOL  you should have seen the excitement on his face when he saw the huge bowl i had picked!! 
absolutely priceless :) 
i did manage to save enough to make a blackberry cake though :)  so yummy!

so i told S. that we have to make sure to plant lots and lots of blackberry bushes when we get our house :)  if there arent already some on our property of course...but we could always plant more!!

dude has this little 4 wheeler that his one of his aunts gave him....and when you push buttons on the handles, it of course says different phrases, just like any other kids toy, and it stays outside because he loves riding it in the driveway....so of course its been in the rain.  but lately, it makes all of its noises without any of the buttons being pushed....randomly....the other night, at oh, i dont know, 2 am, i could hear it through our open window!!  CREEEEEEEpy LOL!!! 
i mean, really creepy

i miss having acrylic nails....maybe i should go get some put on....

the other day i found a picture of S. when he was first born, i love it!!  i put it next to a picture of dude when he was first born, its hilarious how much they look alike :) 
i mean, dude looked nothing like me when he was born!! 
at least now he has my hair.

we bought some new puzzles for dude the other day, he already has them completely figured out and finishes them in minutes. 
weve already started considering private schooling for him this kid is so friggen smart!! 

gotta get going, i know dude is going to be up soon, its almost 7 and i have to do some other things before he wakes up 

but can i tell you all again how so so so so so excited i am?!?!?!?! 
 because im wicked excited!!!


a little secret....

S.' ex wife thinks that we dont know how to fight the child support amount...and shes wrong.  :P  and in a few short months, those payments will be going down.  way to go being a complete bitch all the time!!  youre really helping out your daughter here.

the ex wife is also back to harping on S. to give up his parental rights....yeah, she did this last summer too.  not gonna happen :) then she started in on ME saying that i should convince S. to give up his rights, because she "knows" that she and k. are "interfering" with my family life...... you think you and k. are in my way?  nope.  and that im going to comvince S. to give up his rights? nope.  why should S. continue to make payments, but not have any contact with his daughter?  one week, you want k. and S. to have a relationship, the next week you want S. to give up his rights, the next week youre begging him to come back to you, the next week youre inviting S. to come down and stay in your house, the next week you want to come stay with k. in my house, the next week youre threatening to block S.' calls because hes leaving messages for k. in which he says "hi k., i love you i miss you." 

you need to get back on your meds honey.


mmmmm coffeeeeeee

its a little damp and rainy....but its a nice morning :)  wearing my new, perfect for me t-shirt, and S.' sweatpants, enjoying milky sugary awesome coffee :) 

between having a cat in heat...and dude trying to cut his 2 year molars....things have been kinda crazy LOL  but its not really THAT bad....usually the craziness will only last a few..... hours?  dudes handling it like a champ.  and were kiiiiiinda thinking about letting the neighbors (male!) cat come in for a little visit....its pure pure pure black and would make really cute kittens with galore......

sooooo, no work for this lady yesterday....the day off was nice because i hung out with nana and dude and got to have lunch with S....but i had the day off because the radiator in my truck has a crack...a wicked crack....so were in the process of patching it for a few days, and S. and my dad are working on finding me a new one.....grr.  ah well, it happens.
and of course there is so much stupid shit going on with S. and his ex wife... its expeccted though because shes so immature. 

i think its hilarious that S.' ex wife thinks her new boyfriend is so great!  ive got some news for you....ive been in a lot of bars...ive been friends with a lot of guys that worked in bars, whether they were DJs, bartenders, or bouncers....and let me tell you something....theyre not faithful to their signifigant others.  (now if youre a guy that works in a bar, and IS faithful, then i really do apologize, i just havent seen it a lot).  i have seen ONE situation where it worked out between the guy and girl, and thats cause theyre awesome! (love you guys!!)  so S.' ex wife is hanging out, babysitting her new boyfriends kid.....and the boyfriend is working until all hours of the night, every weekend....yeah, think about it sweetie.....

we also think its hilarious that shes so all about being religious now.....talk about a friggen hypocrite!!  dosnt the catholic church frown on divorce? nevermind TWO!!  and arent you still married technically?  im pretty sure ALL religions dont like it when people "date"  when theyre still married!!  i wonder if her new boyfriend went with her to the "church function" she claimed she was at on sunday night when S. called and tried to talk to k......

im thinking about going blueberrying sometime soon...but ill have to use someone elses freezer for all the berries i know im going to pick!! dude LOVES them!!

i printed out some VERY important forms yesterday and S. and i are very excited to fill them out!!!

ive got a huge to-do list right now, but i LOVE it because its filled with so much fun stuff!!  its great when that happens :)  im already wicked excited for this fall and winter!! 

but speaking of NOT being excited....i got a wicked case of HIVES last night!!  what the hell is up with that??  talk about sensitive!!!  i took some benadryl... LOL  it was so crazy though, i cant get over it at all, its not like i ate anything "new" for dinner....oh well, its all gone this morning!!

ooooooh we had some string beans out of our garden the other night with supper!!!  they were so good!!! what a feeling of accomplishment :D

and speaking of blueberries and awesomeness....im gonna make blueberry pancakes for dude for breakfast :D